Chapters in 11 States, and growing
Average members per chapter
Network growth in last 12 months
Chapter Features
Driving Business Within The Body of Christ
When you join a Chapter, you gain access to a physical and digital space that is made up of like-minded people from different professions that complement each other. Chapter members have access to features that empower collaboration, connectivity, and growth while driving referral business.
Training and support
When you join a Chapter, you'll receive live and on-demand training for succeeding as a G7 member, along with access to an array of resources to help you level up in business networking and grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Chapter Activity Stream
Chapter activity forms a "stream" that feeds your digital chapter display, keeping you in the loop of events, topical discussions, prayer requests, and breaking news. You can also directly chat via private message and generate topics and updates of your own.
Chapter Events
Unlike most networking groups, G7 chapters meet monthly so busy, successful professionals can join. Meeting monthly also provides members the space on their calendar to meet one to one throughout the rest of the month.
Collaborative Topics
Chapter members have the ability to create topics of discussion within their Chapter. This digital space provides a page for your topic that Chapter members can view and comment on.
Members Directory
Our directory globally connects you to professionals that are seeking to do business with like-minded businesses. Search by area, profession and sub-profession. Find resources and referral sources at your fingertips.
Private Messages To Members
Sending private messages to G7 members opens up lines of communication for making and receiving referrals. Private Messages allow you to send a message through the platform, have a text-style conversation, and receive notifications when responses are made.
Warm Business Leads
Through a “GROW BY GIVING” mindset members leverage their new business relationships by blessing them with referrals and connections from their spheres of influence, creating the fertile ground that generates warm leads and accelerates business growth exponentially.