Inviting Guests to Your Next G7 Chapter Meeting

There are three primary behaviors that will drive results for you and your chapter members:

  • Attending the monthly chapter meeting (or sending a substitute if you can't make it)
  • Meeting with other members > aim for one 1 to 1 meeting with other chapter members each week.
  • Inviting guests to join your next chapter meeting

The best way to invite guests will depend upon whether your chapter has chosen to make your monthly events public, or only visible to the G7 Community.


If your chapter has chosen Public Events display:

  • Navigate to your chapter homepage.
  • Either click to the chapter events menu or click to the next event via the upcoming events display on the left sidebar.
  • Copy the URL of the Event and include it in an invite or post it to social media.
  • There are also a number of share buttons that will take you directly to the social platform to post the event. 

Here's a sample script if you're inviting someone via email or text:

Hi <Name>, I'm part of a Christian networking group that's seeking a <profession> and I'd love it if you'd make time to come check it out.  We meet monthly on the <third Thursday at 8am>, here's a link to more details: <link to event>.  I pray I'll see you there!

Click Here for More Sample Emails and Scripts



If your chapter has chosen G7 Member View only:

  1. Unless you're inviting in-person, it's important to call the person you wish to invite.  Make sure to share your personal experience with the chapter and keep the focus on how this might benefit them from their point of view.  Here's a sample script: I'm part of a Christian networking group that's seeking a <profession> and I'd love it if you'd make time to come check it out.  We meet monthly on the <third Thursday at 7am>. Can I send over details on how you can join the complimentary LinkedIn-like digital community and one-click enroll to attend?
  2. Send the follow up email...

Here's a simple template:

As we discussed, G7 Networking is connecting Christians to build trusted relationships that grow you and your business.  Please visit and start connecting by filling out your profile.  It only takes a couple of minutes, no credit card required.

Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start connecting by finding G7 events, chapters, and members.

As a first step, I’d like to invite you to join us for our next chapter meeting on <date of meeting>.  If you’ve completed your profile, you can find details here: <insert URL for your meeting>, including the ability to one-click enroll to attend.

I pray I’ll see you on the <date and time of meeting>!

>> End of Template <<


Use these quick and easy approaches to help grow your chapter and infuse new connections throughout your sphere of influence!

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